A note on the genuine Astrological School of Huber and Assagioli

It was one of the rare rainy days during my stay in Barcelona that I booked a meeting with the Astrological Huber School, to get to know a bit more about their teachings. I was really pleased to hear that it was the head and founder of the school, Rosa Sole-Gubianes that signed up to meet me.

The Spanish Astrological Huber school was founded in 1991 in Barcelona, by Sole-Gubianes who had translated the work of Bruno Huber from English into Spanish. Already a Spanish astrologer at 26, she had opportunities to on a regular basis travel to Great Britain, and studied with the F.A.S. (Faculty of Astrological Studies), earning the Dip A.P.I. (Astrologyches Psychologyches Huber Institut) from the English Huber School. This education was led by the founders of todays Astrological Psychology Association.

Rosa told me about the long and fascinating tradition of Spanish Astrology, heading back to the 1100th century when many so called “mystic texts” where translated into Spanish being inspired from the Muslim world. Although this long history, Rosa, with colleagues needed to start their astrological studies by reading the work of French astrologers, like for example Michel Gaugelin. She stressed the importance of knowing the history behind astrology but simultaneously recognizes and honoring today’s generations needs of a more inwardly focused developmental approach – understanding of the self.

We all have different ways of doing our astrological work she continues, but the one thing that we all have in common is the ethical perspective”  Rosa mentioned Liz Greene as an excellent astrologer, but also stated they have a slightly different point of view. Green’s Jungian astrology approach differed from Sole’s because the Huber approach mostly refers to and is bases on, the teachings of Assagioli.

Robert Assagioli was an Italian psychologist and psychiatrist that Bruno Huber knew. Assagioli was also a student of both Jung’s and Freud’s teachings, though simultaneously critical towards them. Assagioli’s view of the psyche was different, he stressed the transpersonal energy, and his map of the personality differs from the latter.

The Huber school often uses a method where three charts are compared. Theese are called: the Nodal chart, the Radix chart and the House chart. Our potential is always based in the Radix (birth) chart, however the Nodal chart adds a general view of old subpersonalities inherited by our genealogical linage. And a very important point is the cultural environment, that we an understand through the House chart, which might reveal something on how the family and the school have affected our basic potential. The importance of the cultural surroundings, as to how a person is able to fully express their natal chart.  

Rosa explained this further: ” Sometimes, You might meet a person with a strong Mercury placement, and assume that this person is able of using the Mercurial qualities. Then the house chart might show us another side of the same coin. The house charts focus on the importance of the houses, therefore stresses the environmental influence.

The Nodal chart is about what we bring into this life at the unconsious level. Learning to let go of old patterns. So in the Huber schools teachings there is simultaneously work done with the present birth chart as with the house and Nodal chart.”

The Huber School has educators from a variety of academical backgrounds. Sole-Gubianes sees this as a richness when approaching the different courses of astrology. ”We have teachers that are psychology doctors but also sociologists and artists”.

You can find more information on the Huber School here: https://escuelahuber.org/

This post is a draft taken from a longer article on the subject published in the Finnish Astrological newspaper Astro Logos 2018Psykologia astrologian valossa by Anne Sundell

To view the whole disussion on psyhological astrology, this video is available on our Youtube channel:


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