Never would I have guessed a few years ago that I’d be part of starting a Nordic organization for young astrologers. Never would I have thought that a little facebook group would grow into something so big. Still, I am so excited now that it is happening.

From the beginning it’s been clear: this initiative seems to be supported by the universe – or, if you’re so inclined – the cosmos. The right people at the right time seemed to have joined and folks have been so generous with support and lending their time and dedication to make this work.

Many people have asked if they would be welcome in NYA, to which I always reply with a yes.

Who is Nordic Young Astrologers (NYA) for?

  • astrologers and astrology enthusiasts who are young of age

  • those who are new to the field of astrology, regardless of age

  • people wanting to build an astrology practice

  • everyone who has a mindset of always learning

In 2021, I started a facebook group in Swedish called “Unga Astrologer” (it means “young astrologers”). This group grew and I started to form friendships with members of the group. One of these connections led to me starting a podcast, and others to local friendships and eating lunch together, talking enthusiastically about astrology.

On January 18th, 2024, I posted about wanting to focus more on the facebook group and making it grow. A week later, on January 26th, I had realized that the group and its purpose had grown beyond the Swedish context and into an international, Nordic community.

Writing this, we’re just about to publish the website, and I hope a lot of people will find a nice place here on this site.

Charlie Book


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